Tangata Whenua Tangata Ora Project Team Hui/Gathering 2023

Hui registration form

Please complete all sections of the registration form to advise which hui you will be attending. Please ask each member of your sites project team that will be attending one or both hui to also complete this form.

Ngāmotu New Plymouth 1-day hui

An invitation is extended to you and your project team involved in the Tangata Whenua Tangata Ora programme to attend our first hui/gathering. The whānau from Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki will be hosting this hui in Ngāmotu/New Plymouth. An agenda will be sent out in the new year but for now we would appreciate the completion of the hui registration form. We recommend booking your accommodation at Novotel New Plymouth, please note accommodation is not provided. https://novotelnewplymouth.com/

Date: Monday 13 February 2023 (Start time 9 am & finish time 4 pm)

Venue: Venue tba, Ngāmotu/New Plymouth

Whanganui 2-day hui

A second hui is being hosted by the whānau from Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa and an invitation has been extended to Tangata Whenua Tangata Ora project sites to attend and will immediately follow the 1-day hui in Ngāmotu. This is approximately a 2-hour drive from Ngāmotu. An agenda will follow in the new year.

Those able to attend will travel from Ngāmotu/New Plymouth at the close of the 1-day wānanga, accommodation is available at Te Ao Hou Marae, 356A Somme Parade, Whanganui.


  • Monday 13 February, travel to Whanganui. Pōwhiri between 6.30 - 7 pm

  • Tuesday 14 February, 1-day seminar will be held at Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, 85 Hendersons Line, Marton

  • Wednesday 15 February, coastal site visits. We aim to finish mid-afternoon.