What is community action?
Community action is a strategy for creating community-based change towards specific social and environmental policy objectives. It is informed by evidence including local, cultural and academic knowledge, and relies on developing and mobilising capability and leadership from local communities. Browse the evidence, tools and resources that support this approach here, and find useful links to other organisations and for drug help.
Tools for action
Useful links
The following organisations provide public health information about issues relating to communtiies, alcohol and other drugs.
Looking for help for someone? The Alcohol and Drug Helpline provides FREE confidential support if you want to talk about your own, or some else's drug use: call 0800 787 797.
Alcohol and other drug health information :
Alcohol Health Watch - www.ahw.org.nz
Alcohol Action - www.alcoholaction.co.nz
Health Promotion Agency - www.hpa.org.nz and www.alcohol.org.nz
Ministry of Health - www.health.govt.nz
New Zealand Drug Foundation - www.drugfoundation.org.nz
No Safe Limit - www.nosafelimit.co.nz
The SHORE & Whariki Research Centre - visit website