2023 CAYAD Regional Hui Registration
Midlands regional hui - Monday 27 March (Powhiri, 2 pm) - Wednesday 29 March 2023 (Finish time, 2 pm). Whakaatu Whanaunga Trust will be hosting at Waiaua Marae, 203 Motu Road, Toatoa, Opotiki.
Central South, Taamaki Makaurau & Te Taitokerau regional hui - Monday 3 April (Powhiri, 2 pm) - Wednesday 5 April 2023 (Finish time 1 pm). To keep it central for you all, literally coming from the four winds, Te Ahurei a Rangatahi will be hosting this hui for us. Venue to be advised but tentatively either Kai a te Mata Marae, 7 Kereone Road, Morrinsville or Rukumoana Marae, 536 Morrinsville-Walton Road, Morrinsville.
marae stay option is available at both regional hui, however you may still wish to be accommodated at local hotels or motels