2024 CAYAD Regional Hui Registration
Midlands regional hui - Monday 25 March (Powhiri, 2 pm) - Wednesday 27 March 2024 (Finish time, 1 pm). Whakaatu Whanaunga Trust will be hosting at Omarumutu Marae, 7 Ōmarumutu Road, Toatoa, Opotiki. Marae stay option is available at this regional hui.
Central South, Taamaki Makaurau & Te Taitokerau regional hui - Wednesday 10 April (Mihi whakatau, 1 pm) - Friday 12 April (Finish time 1 pm). Taamaki Makaurau will be hosting, the venue will be Vaughn Park Anglican Retreat Centre, 1043 Beach Road, Long Bay, Auckland. Single studio rooms will be available at this regional hui.
You may still wish to be accommodated at local hotels or motels at both regional hui, this will need to be booked and paid for by our organisation.
Please be advised an invoice for $250/CAYAD coordinator and manager from your organisation will be sent out and is required to be paid prior to the regional hui. Unfortunately, due to this being the only form of funding to cover the costs for both regional hui, which will include venue hire, catering during the hui, taonga for guests etc, no refunds will be given for non-attendance.