Tangata Whenua Tangata Ora Thought Space Waananga
Monday 24 March 2025 (Pōwhiri - 10.45 am meet at the gates, 11 am start)
or if arriving after this
Tuesday 25 March 2025 (Mihi Whakatau at 9 am)
Hui times on Tuesday 25 March include:
paramanawa at 10 am
lunch at 12.30 pm
hui whakamutunga at 4 pm
Option to return to the marae for a hangi dinner at 5.30 pm
Option to attend the nighttime treetop walk at the Redwoods Forest.
Venue: Tūnohopū Marae, Tūnohopū Street, Ohinemutu, Rotorua.
Travel in date options: Sunday 23 March, afternoon or Monday 24 March, afternoon
Return travel date options: Tuesday 25 March (late afternoon/early evening) or Wednesday 26 March (morning)
Accommodation will be an Air BnB. Likely a 7-bedroom, 3 bathrooms close to the Marae.
Please complete the waananga registration form. Whariki, Massey University will cover the cost of your accommodation, travel, and meals (the meals only may be by reimbursement, please keep receipts).
However, please do note that if any changes are made to flights once they are booked, you will need to cover any additional costs incurred (eg: an increase in the cost of the flight and the FCM Travel fee).